
HydroWEEE DEMO – Innovative Hydrometallurgical Processes to recover Metals from WEEE including lamps and batteries – Demonstration

Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is the fastest growing waste stream in Europe. Worldwide figures are ranging from 20-50 million cubic meters e-waste. About 5% of the totalwaste stream can be derived from End-of-life Electr(on)ics. Therefore the EC implemented the so called WEEE Directive in order to ensure an environmental friendly treatment of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment. In the European Union alone more than 17 million tons of electrical and electronics will become obsolete this year. The objective of the HydroWEEE Demo project is to build 2 industrial scale, real-life demonstration plants (one stationary and one mobile) in order to test the performance and prove the viability of the processes from an integrated point of view (technical, economical, operational,social) including the assessment of its risks (including health) and benefits to the society and the environment as well as remove the barriers for a wide market uptake later on.The demonstration objectives will have been successfully achieved when the stationary plant has been continuously run for at least 18 months giving financial profits as well as environmental benefits without any social or whatsoever shortcomings. The same success factors apply for the mobile plant being run for the same 18 months at minimum 5 locations in at least 3 countries in Europe.


Одговорни истраживач: sanja.vranes@pupin.rs