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The Access Control System at Košutnjak
The weekend is approaching, and with only a few [...]
Revitalization of the Reversible Hydroelectric Power Plant “Bajina Bašta”
The RTL PLCs of the "Mihailo Pupin" Institute, developed and [...]
IMP – Automatika at the top of Athos
The fast-paced lifestyle, constant race against time and money, and [...]
Chinese Delegation Visited the “Mihajlo Pupin” Institute
A delegation from the "Chongqing" Research Institute in China [...]
Process Control Program
Process Control Program
Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and SCADA systems (hardware & software) optimized for large and geographically distributed utility systems: for thermal-, hydro- and photovoltaic- power plants management; for managing power transmission and distribution network; for BMS in complex objects (airports, convention centres, administrative buildings); monitoring and control in process industries.Telecommunications
Equipment for data transmission; Devices for speech and data transmission over high voltage power lines; Devices for voice processing, recording, compaction and analysis; Special purpose telecommunication networks design; Ad-hoc and meshed networks design; Signal and image processing systems using DSP technology; Design and production of various embedded systems.
Institute Mihajlo Pupin is a showcase and the best practice example of successful bridging of academia and industry. The background of our success lies in adequate organizational support to technology transfer, well-defined technology transfer chain, reinforced by ISO standardization and plethora of home-made, innovative technology intelligence and transfer tools.
Leveraging an outstanding product & service portfolio, Institute Mihajlo Pupin presents a reliable ally in your quest for technical solutions to improve your competitiveness.
International Cooperation
Institute Mihailo Pupin has a long-term orientation in cross-border cooperation with companies and institutions, whether if it is a case of involvement in a joint research or application-orientated development project, purely academic collaboration, or providing services from our service portfolio.
Because of its broad spectrum of research fields IMP is capable of assembling dynamic teams with the mixture of expertise appropriate to the specific engagement, which is essential when conducting projects on a large scale . This vast diversity makes IMP a unique center of excellence in this part of the world with in-house interdisciplinary ICT knowledge base required for developing complex system solutions.
Institute Mihajlo Pupin is the most successful Serbian institution when it comes to internationally funded research, since Srbija has became eligible to participate in EU Programmes, in year 2004. By participating in these research projects, the Institute has cooperated with over 350 renowned European companies and institutions.
IMP Organization
Integrated management system
The “Mihajlo Pupin” Institute is an ISO 9001 certified organization. It possesses developed standardized system, well-defined and proven procedures and management plans that are used consistently throughout the Institute.
Since 2000, the “Mihajlo Pupin: Institute has the Quality management system which is in compliance with the international standard ISO 9001 (updated to ISO 9001:2015 from June 2018), which has been successfully certified by the local certification body Bureau Veritas.
In June 2012 two new standards have been introduced in the Institute: ISO 14001 EMS – Environmental Management System (updated to ISO 14001:2015 from June 2018) and ISO 45001 OH&SAS – Occupational Health & Safety Advisory Services (updated to ISO 45001:2018 from June 2019).
In June 2023 two additional standards have been introduced: ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS – Information Security Management System (updated to ISO/IEC 27001:2013) and ISO 5001 EnMS – Energy Management System (updated to ISO 50001:2018). The certification was successfully carried out by the certification body Bureau Veritas.
In September 2016 IMP Computer systems Ltd (IMP Računarski sistemi doo) has sertfied its Quality management system according to standard SORS 9000/21 and Information security management system according to standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013, by the Military Control of Republic of Serbia.
The Integrated Management System Policy, Information Security Policy and Energy Management Policy show the Institute’s permanent commitment to remain the leading organization in the region in the field of high technologies and realization of scientific research and development projects.