Institute ”Mihailo Pupin” is the member of the University of Belgrade. Research and development priorities of the Institute are closely related to the projects of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia, as well as the strategies of the European Union (Sixth and Seventh Framework Program, Interreg / CADSES, COST, Eureka, H2020, etc.). The general idea is to include all our researchers, to the bigger or lesser extent, in national and international projects.
By establishing Fraunhofer – Pupin Joint Project Office ICT expertise and resources of the Institute Mihailo Pupin and the prominent German scientific research organization Fraunhofer Gesellschaft are united in order to offer the innovative solutions in the areas of common interest, such as information systems management, applications and technologies for knowledge and content management, e-learning, decision support systems (DSS), etc. In this way, the team of experts is gathered, whose experience and expertise is better illustrated by the fact that they have been engaged in over 50 projects in the past few years. Details>>>
Several research centres are part of the Institute:
Science and Technology Policy Research Center – was formed at the “Mihajlo Pupin” Institute in 1987 as a response to the awareness that a better understanding of the importance of science and technology for overall development is essential to successful work in new technologies.
To enhance the effectiveness of investment into R&D and innovation activities, the Center’s experts have focused their efforts on studying and synthesizing development strategies, policies, plans and programs to meet the needs of governmental agencies, regional and local administration, firms, as well as the Institute’s own needs. Details>>>
Robotics Laboratory – offers broad knowledge and experience in robotics, automation and control engineering. Special competency is focused on humanoid, service and rehabilitation robotics, system identification, advance modeling and control of large-scale systems, intelligent control, synthesis of artificial anthropomorphic locomotion, trajectory planning, bio-inspired intelligent control of autonomous systems, cognitive robotic systems, multi-agent cooperative robotics, etc. Details>>>
Center for Gas Engineering – Since 1995. is accredited as a control organization according to the standard SRPS ISO 17020: 2002, type A, and performs its activities in its own laboratory accredited according to standard JUS ISO 17025. Details>>>
There are the following program groups within the Institute: Intelligent Systems, Automation and Control Systems, Computer Systems and Telecommunications, and besides sectors and expert teams were formed for:
• Traffic Management Sector Details>>>
• Railway Sector Details>>>
• Surveillance, Alert & Warning Systems Details>>>
• Electric power Systems