The Institute Mihailo Pupin (IMP, is a leading Serbian R&D institution in information and communication technologies, the largest and the oldest in the whole Southeastern Europe. At IMP projects of critical national importance have been conducted, combining systems engineering and information
technology to develop innovative solutions in the area of automation and control, telecommunications and computer networks, knowledge and content technologies and applications, e-government, e-business, e-learning, etc. IMP’s ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, 27001 and 50001 Quality Assurance Certificates guaranty that customers value and quality expectations are met. Leading world companies such as Raytheon, Texas Instruments, BASF, Motorola, NCR and Philips had benefited from IMP’s solutions and services. The IMP is also the most successful Serbian institute when it comes to internationally funded research.
Moreover, the IMP is a showcase and the best practice example of successful bridging of academia and industry, a “good example of bringing an innovative R&D pool together” as European Commissioner pointed out when visited our Institute. The background of our success in building bridges between academia and industry lies in adequate organizational support to technology transfer, well-defined technology transfer chain, reinforced by ISO standardization and plethora of home-made, innovative technology intelligence and transfer tools.
The organizational structure and research priorities are selected having in mind the latest research trends in this area (science push), the needs of the market (market pull) and the feasibility of successful commercialization of the research results. As a consequence, more than 90% of Institute’s annual turnover is acquired via successful transfer of our innovative technologies, products and services to industry and public sector, in Serbia and abroad.
Regarding the number of the projects funded by the European Union, the Institute is the most successful Serbian research organization. Since Serbia was granted the right to participate in EU projects, the Institute has undertaken 117 projects (13 Horizon Europe, 21 Н2020, 22 FP7, 7 CIP/EIP, 3 lnterreg/DANUBE, 2 lnterreg – CADSES, 4 SEE, 2 IPA ADRION, 1 IPA ADRIATIC, 6 IPA Serbia, 8 COST Actions, 1 RSEDP2, 1 UNDP, 3 TEMPUS, 2 ERASMUS+, 3 FP6, 18 bilateral).
Projects are mostly within domain of Semantic Web, LOD, energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies, decision support systems, sensor networks, ad-hoc networks, robotics, etc.
With respect to the national projects, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development, the Institute has more than 20 funded projects in each research cycle, which it completes successfully, transferring the outcomes immediately into industrial strength prototypes and marketable products and services.