
The core objectives of the ongoing WBC-INCO.NET project (2008 to 2011) are to support the bi-regional dialogue between the EU, associated FP7 countries and the Western Balkan countries (WBC) and to enhance the participation of WBC researchers in European RTD projects by structural measures. The dialogues initiated by WBC-INCO.NET are substantiated with several analytical inputs. For this purpose, top European and regional S&T analysis institutions participate in WBC-INCO.NET. One of the project’s analytical tasks is to identify research areas of mutual benefit in an inclusive and comprehensive manner. Moreover, WBC-INCO.NET monitors the take-up of identified research areas in forthcoming RTD programmes and the participation of WBC researchers in collaborative FP7 projects. Existing cooperation patterns are analysed by social network methodologies and barriers of cooperation are explored by empirical investigations.

WBC-INCO.NET also puts emphasis on the building of capacities and the facilitation of networking opportunities for researchers in order to improve absorption quantities and qualities and to enhance a better international recognition of existing WBC potentials. Several renowned European NCP-organisations and research agencies have committed their capacities to join WBC-INCO.NET and to support the integration of the WBC region into the ERA.

WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED (2012 and 2013) will build up on the previous work of WBC-INCO.NET while putting a special emphasis on innovation. The core objectives of WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED are to continue the successful coordination and cooperation established in the current WBC-INCO.NET project, to further support the bi-regional dialogue between the EU, associated FP7 countries and the Western Balkan countries till the end of 2013 and to further enhance the participation of WBC researchers in European RTD projects by structural measures.At the same time, WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED will put a specific focus on innovation and innovation policy related activities. The consortium of WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED includes 29 partners., WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED will also establish a WBC Innovation Group of Experts as an additional body within the project’ structure. covering high-level experts from the region and beyond, in order to provide additional input to and to spread the results of the project.

WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED will support innovation capacities in the region and develop an Action Plan, based on a thorough stocktaking and the screening of successful measures of innovation support that can realistically be adapted in the region. Furthermore, specific trainings will be supported. WBC-INCO.NET ENHANCED also aims to continue the successful priority setting process initiated by WBC-INCO.NET with the additional topic of Energy and to further support capacity building of the WBC National Contact Point systems.


Responsible researcher: djuro.kutlaca@pupin.rs

More information: www.wbc-inco.net