Team representatives for the realization of the project EMC Serbia attended the ceremony of promoting the projects financed within RSEDP2 program of European Union and award of checks which was held in Aleksandrovac. EMC Serbia is one of 29 projects approved for being funded within RSEDP2 program. The promotion was attended by the members of the project team from the Institute “Mihailo Pupin” and cluster ICT Net.
A check of 908 679 euros was given to Mr. Nikola Nenadic by Ambassador Vensan Dezer, the head of t he Delegation of the European Union (EU) in the Republic of Serbia and Mr. Nebojsa Ciric, Minister of Economy.
In addition to the Institute Mihajlo Pupin, who is the lead partner on the project, project partners are also ICT Net, School of Electrical Engineering University of Belgrade and Regional Centre for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises and Enterpreneurship- Belgrade.
The project, which received the largest amount of funding compared to all submitted projects, has already begun on the February 17th this year, and it is envisaged that the project lasts for 20 months.