Share-PSI 2.0 Shared Standards for Open Data and Public Sector Information
Share-PSI 2.0 brings together a critical mass of government agencies and organisations responsible for implementing the new PSI Directive. Each of these represents a community with an interest in standards for commerce, government and citizen-lead activity, however, Share-PSI goes much further.
The network will proceed via a series of 5 workshops on different themes related to the implementation of the new PSI Directive. Partners will contribute case studies of relevant work done, successful or otherwise; each workshop will include external participants selected on the basis of submitted position papers, and will generate a standalone report. The inputs and outputs from each workshop will be aggregated into a single best practices document that, through an independent process, may become a recognised W3C standard. Importantly, this document will be localised in each of the countries covered by the network.
The result will be country-specific guidance on implementing a harmonised approach to implementation of the PSI Directive on open data across at least a majority of European countries.
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