The team of experts from the Mihajlo Pupin Institute needed only a month from the idea to the realization of the first Serbian respirator. A group of about ten engineers from the Mihajlo Pupin Institute, as well as people from the Smart Research, worked on the first five models, between 10 and 15 hours a day, without a day off. They are made very seriously and with quality, so they are on a par with the world’s leading devices. After the standard certification procedure, Serbian respirators could be found in hospitals.

This is one of 12 innovative projects funded by the Innovation Fund that aimed to combat the effects of the coronary virus pandemic. During the presentation of the domestic respirator at the Institute, Nenad Popović PhD, Minister of Innovation and Technological Development, stated that this is a great victory for Serbian intelligence and engineering knowledge. With this respirator, Serbia got a strategically very important device, not only in this pandemic, but also for regular needs, so that we would not end up in a situation where, as a country, we depend on imports in a similar scenario.

When the partners for serial production in Serbia are known, up to 100 respirators could be made daily.