Current STPRC’s projects, from different aspects observe and contribute to the development of the national innovation system in Serbia. National funded, S&R project deals with the development of mechanisms and tools for decision making support and management of science and technology development; Danube-INCO.NET seeks to overcome obstacles hindering the social and economic development of the Danube region; the Enterprise Europe Network in a practical way helps to promote Serbian innovations in the foreign markets and provides support to SMEs in their internationalization.


        POLICY ANSWERS sets out to support integration of the Western Balkans into the European Research Area The European project, that kicks off on April 2022. in Vienna, will work for 4 years and support cooperation on innovation, research, education, culture, youth and sport POLICY ANSWERS (R&I POLICY making, implementation ANd Support in the […]


    STREAM IT The new Horizon Europe project titled “ST(R)E(A)M IT/STREAMING GIRLS AND WOMEN INTO STEAM EDUCATION, INNOVATION AND RESEARCH (“Stream IT”)” has been successfully acquired and will be implemented by CIRNT over the next four years. The project was obtained through a competition, with the results announced on Thursday, July 13th, within the framework of […]