H2020 SINERGY (2020-2023) –  Capacity building in Smart and Innovative eNERGY management

The primary objective of SINERGY is to strengthen the research capacity and further unlock the innovation potential of IMP, transforming it into a regional Centre of Excellence in the smart energy management. Once established, as a novel regional excellence centre, IMP will promote the added value of smart energy management technologies, co-ordinate research efforts and unite scarce research resources in this field in the Southeast Europe region, but also encourage communication with leading external EU parties, aiming at full integration into the European Research Area (ERA). In this way, IMP will be capable of further disseminating the project outcomes (strategies, policies, training courses, webinars, etc.) and supporting companies and institutions (both research and industrial) in the region to strengthen their EU competitiveness. To reach SINERGY ambitious objectives, a strategic partnership and transfer of multidisciplinary “know-how” from leading EU research institutions, and beyond, will play the main role in gaining and exchanging the related competences needed for the development of high impact innovative energy management solutions suitable for efficient and reliable energy networks of the future.

Contact: Nikola.Tomasevic@pupin.rs


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 952140.