The information is one of the most valuable resources in modern business. This is the reason why the top management of the Institute “Mihajlo Pupin” has adopted the Information Security Policy, thus, establishing the long-term frame for the security of information, regardless of their form and the means of their transfer.

Prevention of the unauthorized access and protection of confidentiality of information is of crucial importance for the R&D work in the Institute. Information security policy has been adopted in order to maintain high scientific competence, continuous development, and protection of intellectual property and reputation of the Institute. Therefore, it is of vital importance that all the employees of the Institute take part in the preservation of entrusted information resources and develop awareness of the personal responsibility for the security of the information entrusted to them.

This policy has been adopted following the existing practice and business goals as well as demands of the environment and it will be reviewed, updated and modified to swiftly respond to the challenges and changes.