
The Institute “Mihajlo Pupin” received the recognition for the individual trademarks from the Intellectual Property Office for the products ARES, ATLAS Max, ATLAS MAX RTL and pikoATLAS.

Trademark is a legally protected mark that serves to an economic subject to mark its goods in order to enable consumers to differ its goods from other similar or identical goods that are offered on the market. Initially, trademarks occurred to make products and services of a certain manufacturer unique and recognizable in the sea of identical goods and services that originate from the other manufacturer.

Trademark can be any distinctive word, letter, number, drawing, image, combination of colours, logo, label and similar that is used to distinguish goods and services. In some countries, trademarks can be used to protect advertising slogans, product shape, sound or even smell, but, generally, it is possible only for the signs that are visible or can be presented graphically. They also have the power of association as symbols that help to make decisions about buying certain products and, they, often, are a powerful marketing tool.

SCADA hardware and devices for measuring electricity consumption from the Institute “Mihajlo Pupin” shall be, from now on, recognized in the domestic and foreign market on the basis of the trademark that shall enable, on one hand, our clients to recognize the remarkable quality of these products that meet their expectations without any trouble and, on the other hand, bring the competitive advantage to our company.