
TRAFOON – Traditional Food Network to Improve the transfer of knowledge for innovation

FP7 project received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration, in the period 1.11.2013-31.10.2016.

TRAFOON is a network of 30 European research institutions, technology transfer agencies and SME associations and covers the value chain of four groups of traditional food products based on grains, fish, vegetables and mushrooms, and fruits.

It focuses on the preservation, protection, innovation and further development of traditional foods in Europe and it aims at supporting the small and medium sized producers of these products. The often small-scale producers are nowadays facing the challenges of having to meet many existing European regulations and to acquire new knowledge on improved technological solutions related to their products while at the same time preserving the tradition and the authenticity of their products. TRAFOON will also provide for knowledge and concrete suggestions to enhance the business and marketing aspect of those traditional products to make the producers more competitive or to keep them in the market at all. The needs of these traditional small and medium enterprises (SME) will be detected and collected by the respective branch-specific associations. The technological, legal or business-related solutions will be transferred through training workshops and a multi-lingual online Information Shop.

To support these traditional SMEs, TRAFOON has set sail in November 2013 to establish a knowledge transfer network with a focus on food products made of grains, fish, fruits, vegetables and mushrooms to support traditional food producing SMEs. The TRAFOON network will interlink researchers, knowledge transfer agents, and SME associations in 14 European countries to foster sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in the sector of traditional foods for the benefit of the regions of Europe and the European consumer.

As an additional result of the Project, research associates of the Mihajlo Pupin Institute and the Faculty of Agriculture prepared the Study: Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Traditional Sweet Fruit in Serbia

The main targets of the TRAFOON are:

  1. Improvements in technology transfer to SMEs producing and processing traditional foods:

For improved food quality, safety and environmental performance

Stabilized production protocols

Correct use of IPR, European food law, use of labels, marketing, product development strategies

2. Development of strategic research and innovation agenda for traditional foods responding to the needs of all stakeholders.

3. Stimulation of entrepreneurship among food researchers, commercial take-up of food R&D results, and entrepreneurial networking.

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