Development of Robot as Device for Overcoming Difficulties in Children Growth

The aim of this project is to develop an assistive technology aid to improve the work with children with developmental disorders (impaired motor and disharmonious development, cerebral palsy, , hearing and emotional diorders, etc.). The main goal of the application of these means of assistive technology is to ensure long-lasting motivation for acquiring new skills, creation of the conditions for an easier application of treatment procedures, and achieving faster treatment effects. The intention is to take advantage of the child's existing capabilities with the aim of developing its maximum potentials through play and entertainment. The application areas are: mastering of basic life skills, communication, visual, auditory and tactile reception of information, cognitive abilities, social interactions, mobility, and child's emotional functioning.
Although such attempt is a pioneering one, we think that previous (though rudimentary) experiences in the development and application of such kind of robots in contact with children are encouraging.
In the future, such robots could be used by all those who are involved in child care (parents, therapeutists, teachers) аnd not only by specially trained staff. Robots would offer the possibility to use a novel way to stimulate the child's development and we think it is justifiable to include them among the dedicated assistive technologies.
During work on project all ethicall issues related to work with humans will be respected.


Model of the robot prothotype


CAD model of robot arm